Arbhaat Short Film Club - 2nd screening

Though there have been only two screenings, I have come to love the ASFC. I love the short, snazzy films that keep me hooked, provoke me and challenge me.

We watched many films this time (2nd may), but these are the ones that appealed to me the most:

Iran, 2012
Director: Omid Abdollahi
Length: 18:30 min
Summary: The aged optometrist keeps his shop open every day, hoping for his last customer to come and pick up their spectacles.

There is a subtle irony in this film, that runs through it's entire length. The optometrist wants to close his shop because of his weak eyesight. He opens the shop every day, waters a lone plant on a stool, whiles time away, sends away potential customer and generally, spends his time waiting. He then embarks on a journey of sorts, to find the woman who had ordered the spectacles. In a twist, he finds her at a hospital, where she has gone blind. He returns home, to his beautiful oasis of flowers and plants on the terrace. The simplistic plot is highlighted by the beautiful use of light, the stills and waht not.

I confess that I do not know much of film-making. I understand the techniques even less.

But the stories...I understand them, and I like to think that they understand me.

Printed Rainbow
India, 2006
Director: Gitanjali Rao
Length: 15 min
Summary: The story of a lonely old woman who escapes into the fantastical world of matchbox covers.

What a beautiful film!

I simply loved it. There cannot be enough words to describe what I felt about this movie. The old woman resonated within me, and I could understand her escapism - indeed, I longed for it myself. I was held spellbound, yearning to know what new adventures she embarked on, what people she met, what sights she saw. The end was excellent and truly deep. I lost my grandmother a few months ago, so the movie felt extra-special. Because in the round, open face of the woman, I saw my aaji.

I am looking forward to the next screening. The only complaint that I have is that there is no forum for the people to interact after the screening. An online group, on FB perhaps, would serve well. What would be the use of watching the movies if not dissecting them afterwards and relishing them all over again?


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