Tilgul ghya!

Sankranti is not supposed to be a 'good ' festival. Babies and newly married couples do not celebrate it as their first 'festival'. Instead, they wait for gudi padwa, the festival marking the beginning the new year of the hindu calendar. But for the rest, it is one of the most auspicious event of the year.

It marks the transition of the sun into the northen hemisphere and is celebrated across India. The names differ, however. In the north, it is called Lohri, in Assam as Bihu, in Gujrat as Uttarayan, Himachal as Maagh Saaja etc. It is a festival of harvest and prayers.

In some parts of Maharashtra, kites are flown. But the cinema has popularised it and now, kites are flown across the country. Black is worn and we exchange halwa (sesame seed coated with crystallised sugar), til wadis (cakes of jaggery and sesame seeds) and gul polis (jaggery-stuffed bread).

I personally love gul-poli as no other. It is flat and slightly hard because of the jaggery inside. I slather it with home-made ghee and eat it like there is no tomorrow. In homemade sweets, it tops my list of favourites.

While exchanging sweets, we say, "Tilgul ghya, god god bola!" (Accept this sweet and may your speech be sweetened as well!)

So here am I, offering you virtual sweets on this beautiful day.

Tilgul ghya, god god bola!


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